Well some opportunities have come our way and we have embraced them with open arms. We have always been progressive and client focussed. The question is always on our mind..."how do we increase our value proposition to our clients?"
And more importantly ...."are there new ways to serve our clients...."is there more that we can do to do a great job for the people that trust us to sell their home?" For over 18 years! Seriously. To give you an example, I was one of the first REALTORS to advertise in the newspaper in full colour. Now everyone does it but I was one of the first. I was the first REALTOR that began doing VIDEO tours for our listings over 10 years ago. I had a guy on salary who who would bring his $5000 HD camera out to our listings and put together these 5 and 6 minute video walk throughs....now we can put it all together with our iPad or iPhone and we keep them to under 3 minutes...
In our ads, I always maintained that we should give people lots of information so that when they call us they are pre-qualified based on the information we have given them. The other option that a lot of REALTORS use still today is to put very limited information in the ads so that they get a phone call and try to convert that person to become a client. I don't know about you but if people call me in a frustrated state because they just want an address to do a drive by.....or simply want to know the listing price, we are starting off our relationship In the minus column immediately. I believe in trust. That is the first stage in every relationship. I always have said, "gain their trust and then never betray it..."

Well trust me when I say that I am extremely excited to announce that we have moved companies to a new brand that is born in CHILLIWACK. SELECT REAL ESTATE is now our new company. We now can offer you, the seller, a choice. Choose one of four options available to you. Excellent marketing with extreme accountability. It is the most honest - "get whatcha pay for" kind of real estate business that you can ask for. Don't get me wrong. It is not a discount company. The cooperating Realtors get paid the appropriate amount. It makes sense to deal with that immediately. As a Seller utilizing the most powerful system in the world, THE MLS SYSTEM, you are on there so that the thousands of Realtors out there that have Buyer's that may want your home, can find your home. That is the first place they go. So that is important. If a REALTOR does have a buyer and puts together an off for you, they will always ask to get paid in the transaction. It always astounds me to see listings in the MLS system that offer $1 to the Selling agent! Seriously. Would you show the home?
So that issue is tackled right away...from $980 for the basic service, to the top level which is 6% on the first $100,000 and 2.5% on the remainder.
You Choose. Check out this website here to learn more...
We would love to meet you and talk to you about the options that we can offer you. Give us a call. Or email us from the site here.