Here is a little advantage for First Time Home Buyers that just came into effect at the end of 2022. The increase for the claim amount went from $5000 to $10,000 for a maximum deduction depending on income level of $1500 in benefit. Hey its something! Read on for more info. This article gives more clarity to this little advantage! Talk soon - Kelly...
Here is an update for April 7, 2023 for the various Interest Rate offerings in Canada at the moment.
This article was taken from the Globe and Mail and I recieved it in my "Alerts" this morning, so I thought I would share. People are "rate sensitive" right now, but in my experience, these are still pretty good rates! The Home Values have dropped bri...
Thought I would post about this as this is also a factor for the Inflation numbers. Interest rates have risen substantially over the last year to combat our runaway inflation... The Banks have chosen to freeze rates lately which is good news. They are watching the inflation numbers closely to see if it is working. Knowing that Fortis BC has impleme...
WE know that the quote: "This too shall pass." Is true. For everything. For the Good Times; the bad times, the crazy times, the confusing times and I think we have experienced it all in my 25 years in this business! This artical is from the Vancouver Sun - published Nov. 18, 2022. What are your thoughts? As always, we are always here to chat. Call...